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Why The Search Engines Are Giving Away Top Advertising Spots To Senior Living and Senior Care Businesses

According to search Engine Land, 43% of searches have a local intent on Google. This means people are using the major search engines to find local businesses and more information locally.

This is huge and the major search engines have been taking action on this recently.

Mobile searches are even higher. 50% of searches have local intent.

This is important because in senior living and senior care, everything is local. Unless you’re a luxury destination CCRC, your market is mostly local.

Especially when our prospects search for us online.

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How Dinner With My Sister in Brooklyn Can Help You Get More Reviews From Seniors.

My sister lives in Brooklyn NY. She lives in Williamsburg, an up and coming area. I went to visit her recently and we decided to explore a new part of town.

It was a beautiful day, so we decided to go on a long bike ride to explore new areas.

After a couple hours and going down many side streets we were a little lost and tired. If you know anything about my sister, she’s terrible with directions. And if you confront her about it, she turns into a fire breathing dragon.

I didn’t want to get her too worked up so, as it wouldn’t help anything, we decided it would be good to grab a bite to eat.

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How to Nurture New Residents from a Website that Runs Itself

This is an article I wrote for Retirementhomes.com. Full article here http://www.retirementhomes.com/library/how-to-nurture-new-residents-from-a-website-that-runs-itself/

Have you ever had to tell someone they have something stuck between their teeth? It’s embarrassing right?

I have that similar feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m about to tell you the equivalent of having a poppy seed between your teeth in a crowded restaurant. What I’m about to say is a little controversial, and may offend you. But I truly care about your success. So, I’m going to come right out and say it.

A fancy website from a marketing company is nothing more than a digital brochure. I know you might be mad and upset. You’ve paid good money for your website.

The company that sold it to you said it would grow your business. You need it to “brand” your community. You believed it, feeling the site would generate new leads and business.

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4 Ways Senior Living Communities Can Speak In Their Consumer’s Own Language.

We recently ran a survey here at SeniorMarketing.com about the words we use to describe senior living. Our survey results prove, prospect’s feel disconnected by the typical language used by a community. It’s usually a much different language than they normally speak.

So if the typical language is offending and disconnecting seniors, how can we learn to use the language our consumers are using to connect with them emotionally?

Traditionally, this required focus groups and surveys, but today much of your research can be done online. Following are 4 simple ways you can use today to discover the language your prospects use.

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How To Value Your Residents, Form Realistic Marketing Budgets, And Cut Expenses By Understanding The Lifeblood Of Smart Senior Living Marketing.

Stop Money Sucking, Mind Numbing, Wasteful Marketing Strategies

The definition of the word investment according to dictionary.com is as follows:

Investment – The investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.

Imagine for a moment, that I were to approach you with an amazing investment opportunity. I’d tell you about how much money you’d make, and all you’d have to do is give me a couple thousand dollars.

But there’s one catch….

During the life of that investment, we would have no clue how it performs, no way to track it, and we would only know how much money was made after the investment was sold.

Would you invest in that?

Of course not.

Marketing Absolutely Must Be Viewed As An Investment!

If you were to invest $5,000 in a marketing campaign, and you get 2 new residents out of that campaign, then obviously those residents are going to be worth more than $2,500. On average, the value of those residents are worth anywhere from $60,000-$70,000. Talk about a great return on investment!

This is where the lifeblood of smart senior living marketing comes into play. At SeniorMarketing.com we focus exclusively on senior living and home care, and the fundamentals of everything we do is based on the lifeblood of smart marketing. We eat sleep and breathe it!

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